The Lions are up a tree

Of course, lions do climb trees, but not with cushions, rugs and plenty of colourful balloons.
This morning, May 1, at 8am Lion Kerry and Lion Janine from the Henley on Klip Lions Club, aided by Lion Grant and Lion Carmen, climbed the tree by the CPF Command Centre in Ewelme Street, determined not to come down until their target of R5 000 is met.
The money, Lion Carmen told me, is urgently needed to keep some of the Lions’ community projects on the go.
As we left, the music came on, cheerful dance music to entertain the captives. Next door at the command centre, members of the CPF were lighting the fire for boerie rolls, at R25, which will be served all day to raise funds for Community Policing Forum projects.
At least the Lions won’t go hungry. If they are really desperate, they can catch an egg. Real sticky eggs are on sale for R5, specifically to see if you can score on a Lion’s nose. I wouldn’t have the heart.
Donations can be made online on the Lions Facebook page, details below, or you can drop your notes in the safety box fixed to the tree. Alternatively, give them to the Lion on guard duty!
Lions Henley-on-Klip
Standard Bank Meyerton
Account number: 021 949 484
Branch code: 014537
The Lions’ next fundraising will at the Henley Mardi Gras on May 25, where they will be running the bar. The CPF will also be selling boerie rolls on the day.
For more Henley Hoopoe news see

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