Making Easter egg-citing

March 1 2018
I’m busy cutting out egg shapes. It is surprisingly difficult to find an egg template. Everything in my kitchen is round…
Last year we arrived in Henley too late to take part in the annual Christmas décor drive and it took us completely by surprise. Suddenly the village bloomed into Christmas colours – red, green, gold and white – sprouting candy canes at every street corner. Amazed, delighted and amused we toured the streets admiring the creations.
Who did it? Is this a community thing? Did one person or committee do them all? I asked the questions in one of my postings and I was contacted by Tanya from Henley at Heart. I haven’t met her yet, but I was invited to join the long list of creatives making Easter wreaths. What fun!
The pictures sent out as examples are beautiful, intricate and terrifying. I console myself that they are meant for front doors or table decorations, somewhere safe and clean, without rain, wind, bird poops and naughty children. That, by the way, is not as aspersion, but a statement of fact. On a dog walk I came across a group of kids whacking each other with polystyrene candy canes collected from nearest street sign.
So, strong, sturdy, weather and vandal proof … it cuts down the options quite a bit. Less is more, the Man says. No doubt he is right. I wonder what everyone else is doing? I expect there are some masterly works of art nearing completion out there.
I’m sure it doesn’t matter. There will be a wreath of sorts on my signpost, I will feel a sense of achievement and the (few) people who drive past will hopefully notice and feel a lift in their spirits. Who could ask for more?
I did feel sorry, though, for the workman in an overall walking through the streets wearing a sandwich board – “Henley at Heart at work”. There might have been a “taking action” there too. He looked a little uncomfortable. I wonder what he was off to do? Gardening? Probably. I gather all the flowering plants and trees that beautify the roads in and out of the village are Henley at Heart projects.
It works. It’s very inviting and one of the reasons I am writing this in Henley on Klip, instead of in Pofadder, Putsondergat or wherever. Driving to Meyerton yesterday I admired, yet again, the row of adolescent trees, wondering what the road will be like when it’s an avenue. I only hope it’s still farmland and we’re not driving through suburbia. I’ve had enough of suburbia.
So, back to my wreath. I have the idea, most of the materials and the (dubious) help of two eager kittens. The Man came up with the frame and Junior will be enrolled to decorate egg shapes when she comes home for the weekend.
I’m sure between us we’ll manage something respectable.
Happy Easter (when it comes).
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