Music makes the world go round

The Walking Dead met the Pink Ladies, watched over by the Guardian Angel, and cheered on by Prisoners and Pop Stars at the Boombox event at Bass Lake on Saturday night.
There were plenty of high spirits at the annual Henley on Klip Community Police Forum (HCPF) fundraiser where revellers celebrated with glittering costumes, face paint and elaborate table themes – some of them planned months in advance, I was told.
Certainly, that must have been true for the winners, Table 11, who built a construction site complete with wrecking ball and yellow machines with the crew decked out in bibs and helmets.
The music was pumping with musical clues and then the full beat; there was something for everyone, from local is lekker, to music of the movies, to TV themes, to guess the decade, name the song, name the group, name the artist …
Ten to a team and timing is all – bang the buzzer, not too soon, not too late, and hope someone in your team has the answer … five, four, three, two, one … shucks! The DJ goes to the next table where folks are bouncing up and down anxiously waiting for their chance … a roar of triumph and cheers as the winners celebrate, sing and dance along.
It wasn’t easy and you had to know your stuff – actually, you needed a sixth sense at times. I ask you, who could guess The Sound of Music from one note?
Prizes … of course there were prizes, and an auction, penalties too – it was a fundraiser after all. Each table did their own catering, often to match the theme, with huge cooler boxes and pots of curry and potjiekos on gas stoves. These contestants know how to party.
At the interval, zombies and sirens, partygoers in garters, sequins and Mexican hats, pilots and air hostesses – escorted by the Guardian Angel, a test pilot in real life – mixed and mingled outside in a cloud of cigarette smoke.
The hall is a good size – it’s a pity it’s not more readily available for Henley on Klip parties.
As the evening progressed, the noise level rose, and the final rounds nearly raised the roof as the contestants vied for the grand prize – a weekend away for the winning team of ten.
The LIFE team won, from the table decorated with lemons and the motto: “If LIFE gives you lemons, add salt and tequila!”
I gather the party moved to various homes and continued into the small hours.
Until next year, folks!
It seems an impressive sum was raised for HCPF projects, including cameras to help keep crime from the village.
For more news from the HCPF see

Off the Rails: Henley’s haunted house
It was once a prefab hut for the British army, perhaps used for officers’ billets or a hospital annex, then, shipped to South Africa in 1904, it was one of Henley on Klip’s first family homes and a church.

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Triumph and Disaster – The True Story of Horace Kent.